As we join Ben and Josh, we find that Josh is already having a bad day before the show starts. Ben being Ben, he immediately starts to rip on Josh's mom and make things worse. That's when Josh finally decides he's had enough and fights back with some mom jokes of his own. It goes about as well as you'd expect coming from Josh. It all culminates in a full-on, classic, level 5 Josh Meltdown. Oh, how they've been missed. Along the way, they find time to discuss Josh's new "million dollar" business venture, the cure for "earinicious," intimidating thighs, and the secrets to relaxation. Plus, Braindead Trivia and yet another in-depth drink review you can trust. Straight from the Kings, sitting on their thrones, at the summit of Drink Mountain. It's more goodness than yo mama can handle, it's the new Drinks With Josh!
Yo mama is such a fan, she downloads the episode here!
Ben enjoying the show. Or thinking of Josh's mom. Either way, good times. |
Why, look! It's the Magical Drinking Hand! |
It's Josh's INTIMIDATING THIGHS! Gaze upon them, then slink away in fear! |
Howdy, y'all! I'm a bottle-a sarsparilla, I am! |
Even the Kings of Drink Mountain forget proper procedure at times. Practice is key. |
The best picture we could get of Josh this time. Really. |
Ben's Music Pick: The Red Elvises "Better Than Sex". Josh asked, "Is it really?" |