We have finally returned! Once the celebrations calm down, we can continue... Anyway, the boys are busy, so this episode comes (mostly) unedited. That's right, now you can finally get all the uncomfortable pauses, coughs, grunts, stories that go nowhere and everything else you've been craving! Plus, since we missed Halloween, Ben and Josh decide to go "Trick or Treating" at the local Asian market. They might have gone to the Indian market instead, but there was a...mishap. Josh will tell you all about it (he'll tell everyone about it, apparently). With the trick or treating comes an idea for a future spin-off: AMCwJaB! It just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? In this episode, we've also got our (patent pending) Braindead Trivia, Ben mispronouncing nearly everything, and live play by play of the parking lot! Does it get any better? No, it likely doesn't. Prove it to yourself by listening to the latest Drinks With Josh!
No tricks, just the treat of a DOWNLOAD!
Thanks to Luffy at FreeSound.org for the record scratch sound effect. Get it here.
Check out the drink's site here. They can't seem to agree on a spelling for the name. Whoops.
Ben and Josh enjoying the good times that is Drinks With Josh |
Our latest challenger. Will the maneki neko bring it luck? |
Study well, there's a quiz later. (There's not a quiz later.) |
Ben continuing the national fad of "St. Bernarding." You know, the one he started, |
We're on both sides of the planet at once! |
Josh takes in the sweet aroma of...the foil packaging... |
Ben sez: "These kinda grow on you! Really!" No one else is convinced. |
See how it looks shiny and wet? That's not an illusion, that's how it looks. Barf. |
Ben proudly displays his Japanese Green Tea Kit Kat. Because he's got nothing else in his life. |
A sweet close up. Both because it's a good picture and because the candy is sweet. Get it? Hilarious. |
Want to eat apples, but without all those lousy nutrients? Japan has got you covered. |
These sound (and look) vaguely Russian. They're not. We don't need no commie candy! |
"Ah yes, I'll have a coffee with one cream, please." That's how Kopiko rolls. |
Write your own captions to this one... |