Yaaaaay! We did it! We made it to big episode number 50! There's so many
people we need to thank...ourselves, of course. Plus Josh. And Ben.
Also, Ben and Josh. We certainly couldn't do it without them! Seriously,
though, we'd like to take this time to thank everyone who has taken the
time to be on America's Favorite Podcast for our entire 50 episode run.
That would be the Kings of Drink Mountain, Josh and Ben.
How do we
celebrate such a momentous occasion? By busting out the
soon-to-be-known-worldwide 50th Episode Taste Challenge! The boys grab a
famous, yet often hard to find, beverage both from a fountain and from a
can. Which is better? Can we tell the difference between the two? Do
you know the muffin man? At least two of these questions will be
Plus, we throw in a bonus segment featuring a longtime Josh
favorite: Percy Pigs (Marks and Spencer, we're waiting for our free
product). In addition, we've got a giant round of Braindead Trivia
(place your bets!) and we take you into the seedy underbelly of the
beverage world. That's right, we finally break our silence on the
#MtnDewAffair. Get all the details and then help spread the word. All
this and so much more (especially if you like terrible mom jokes) on the
massive, mega, ultra, uber (but not in a car sense) 50th anniversary
episode of America/New Zealand/Greenland's Favorite Podcast: DRINKS WITH
Take the 50th ep DOWNLOAD challenge here.
Oh you had better believe it is on now! |
Check out our can! |
Sorry, you missed the after party already. It was awesome. There was bean dip. |
The canned soda gleams in the sunlight, while Josh is overcome with emotion due to the immensity of our accomplishment. Fifty episodes of a worldwide phenomenon. It's a lot to process. |
Ben needs a haircut or a shower or something. Get it together, homie! |
Percy Pigs make an unlikely appearance on the program. |
WTF??? (They weren't kidding about this.) |
We had to stop tape and let Josh clean up after he had his pigs. He's a fan, to put it mildly. |
Ben is right, this does look an awful lot like an eraser. |
However, Ben is wrong about it being acceptable to appear in public looking like this. |