Get excited! America, Greenland, and New Zealand's Favorite Podcast is back and taking a look at some of Josh'"top moments." In fact, without even breaking a sweat, he makes a bid to land at the top of the list. He's just that good. Ben simply tries to survive the onslaught of Joshness. Yet he shows his true ability as a King of Drink Mountain by navigating the citizens of Drink Mountain safely through topics like Josh's internal body composition, whether Carrot Top is vegan, what ribs qualify as being for her pleasure, and a pitch perfect Adam Sandler impression that must be heard to be believed! A slight respite is provided by the ever-reliable Braindead Trivia, which leads to one of the best discussion topics ever introduced on the show, about Mel Brooks. Do Ben and Josh take advantage of this fantastic conversation opportunity? I bet you know the answer! To cap it all off, there's a reference all the way back to episode 35 and a certain musician that Josh has seen in concert. It's a treat for all you true residents of Drink Mountain and it's all here in "Josh's Best!"
Get one of Josh's top five DOWNLOADs HERE!
Yes, that logo is ribbed. No word on whether this decision was made with her pleasure in mind.
The always enthralling nutrition facts.
I don't think the best seller list has much to worry about here.
A very Josh pose.
It's Ben! With a beverage!
Josh working himself into a frenzy for a new "Top Five" moment!